Volunteer Teachers Focus on Sex Education

Release Time:2018-11-06 Views:10 Second


  Sexual and reproductive health, including sexual related physical health, emotional health, mental health and good social adaptation (World Health Organization, 2006). From early childhood on, minors need to gradually develop healthy living habits.With the constant development of physical, emotional and social relationships in adolescence, minors begin to continuously explore and develop intimate relationships, and healthy living habits and lifestyles in sexual and reproductive health become increasingly important.


  In today's social environment, unintended pregnancies, AIDS and sexually transmitted infections, gender-based violence and gender inequality are widespread, which seriously threaten the safety, health and development of minors.


  In collaboration with the Guangdong Luya Rural Women Development Foundation, the Laoniu Brother & Sister Foundation has donated 300,000 yuan to promote sex education among village residents through the production of curriculum materials for children and guardianship. We have carried out a survey of the current situation of sex education among rural children, implemented village activities for sex education among rural children to promote sex education among villagers.


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